
Real is Rare

The Campaign by Diamond Industry that Encourages Millenials to go for Unconventional Relationships

Think of the diamonds and you recall the favorite line of women of all ages, ‘Diamonds are forever’, coined in 1948 for DeBeers. Another decades old line, “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend” also continued to pilfer the center stage since the sensuous Marilyn Monroe made it popular. The time has however changed, and so are the punch lines to describe the magnificence of Diamonds; the latest one being “Real is Rare”.

Notably, the diamond business has been witnessing a slump as young people prefer delaying marriage and feel skeptical of buying this most precious yet expensive form of jewelry; thanks to recession. In a bid to improve the market situation, the Diamond Producers Association has collaborated with Mother New York, the premiere ad agency to reintroduce diamond jewelry to the younger generation.

Real is Rare

What’s the campaign all about?

The brand campaign, “Real is Rare” is the outcome of six months of extensive research where the opinion of young people were sought on buying diamonds. The resultant advertisements hence depict an affectionate yet hazy portrait of two intimate relationships at crucial moments, both endorsing non-traditional trajectories. The couples in the short ad films titled ‘Wild & Kind’ and ‘Runaways’  go on to discover their relationship in an unfeigned manner, which is rare, real and precious; just like the diamonds are! It depicts the diversity of relationships in the modern day world, where diamond holds a major say in expressing pure love and sheer commitment.

Wild & Kind:The couple in this 60-second ad undergoes many hiccups in their love, but defying all odds, the two remain committed.

Runaways: Set in the backdrop of exotic locales of Thailand, this short ad movie brings into limelight another romantic story, where the couple in its twenties ran away after their first date.

Both the commercials speak the language of millenials in large volumes and have special mention of the word, ‘wild’, which has been included after an in-depth market research by DPA. For instance, the male character in “Wild and Kind” says, “Maybe we won’t ever get married, and maybe we will, but I will spend my future with you, and I will be honest with you, and it will be wild, it will be kind, and it will be real.”

Encouraging the untraditional love

As per research, millenials are among the foremost diamond buyers in the United States. The commercials hence make sure that the diamonds do not remain restricted to rituals like wedding. Instead, they act as a true symbol of deep, emotional and long-term commitment between two young people, who are deeply and madly in love with each other. And this symbolic expression isn’t worthy of any official stamp or the law in smoldering the love flames either.

While releasing the ads, the Diamond Producers Association also echoed the same thoughts as it launched the “Real is Rare. Real is a Diamond,” campaign. The PR released by DPA calls the campaign as “a new communications platform that invites consumers to take a fresh look at diamonds as an ideal symbol of sincere, meaningful connections and commitment”

The two-video campaign has been produced by Mother New York and RSA Films for the Diamond Producers Association, an international alliance of the leading diamond mining companies across the world.  The commercial ads can now be seen and heard across Cable TV, radio channels, and various digital platforms.

Real is Rare

Being professional in Diamonds, Gems & Jewelry with more than 35 years of experience. We at QualityDiam, presents a collection of beautiful diamonds in sync with the mood of this real is rare campaign.If you are considering a special gift, an investment or a piece for your collection, you are at right place. Buy with confidence from our online portal www.qualitydiam.com and we assure you our utmost attention to every detail to make you feel exceptionally extraordinary.

Happy Diamonds to all!