
How raw diamonds are different from regular stones?

How raw diamonds are different from regular stones?

It is a known fact that women are ardent diamond lovers. Hopefully, you are no exception to this ubiquitous fact. If yes, then you must be well acquainted with the term raw diamond or rough diamond. If you are wondering how raw diamond is different from a regular stone, you are in the right place. Read on to know how raw diamonds are different from other form of diamonds. Also discussed is the way to identify them and if it is at all possible to buy raw diamonds.

Raw diamond: the definition

Raw or rough diamonds are stones that are left untreated after being excavated. Cut into specific shapes, diamonds enhance your beauty and are available for purchase form your nearest jewelry store. They are then polished and faceted. On the other hand, raw diamonds are left unpolished and uncut. Moreover, they are also not altered and are not given any specific form or shape after mining.

How to test?

They either have a brownish or yellowish tint or are colorless. The truth is that very little portion of the raw diamond community are colorless. Majority of the natural diamonds comes in greenish or yellowish color. This is the reason why white or colorless diamonds are the most valuable and find their place in the jewelry industry.

Numerous other ways are also there to identify a raw diamond. However, going for the color test is the best possible way to spot the difference.

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